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Sustainable Practices for Tenants How to Go Green and Save Money

Sustainable Practices for Tenants How to Go Green and Save Money

In today's world, the environment is a topic that affects us all. From rising energy consumption to the threat of climate change, the choices we make in our homes can have a significant impact on the world around us. As we strive to find solutions to these pressing issues, it's essential to consider how we can make environmentally friendly choices that not only benefit the planet but also help us save money in the process.

Fortunately, many environmentally friendly solutions can help tenants save costs in their homes while reducing their ecological footprint. Here are some practical tips to help you adopt eco-friendly practices and save money:

1.Economic Ways to Make Your Home More Energy-Efficient

Transforming your rental into an eco-friendly and aesthetically pleasing space is easier than you think. Start by incorporating simple adjustments into your daily routine, such as conserving energy by turning off lights when not in use, or unplugging appliances when they're not needed. These small changes can result in significant savings on your energy bills over time. 

  • Programmable thermostats: These devices can be programmed to only turn on at certain times of the day, so they could be used to heat the house before returning from work or to turn on a while before getting up on a cold morning.
  • Power Strips: Standby power, also known as vampire power, refers to the electricity consumed by appliances and electronic devices when they are plugged in but not in use. Although it may seem insignificant, this consumption adds up: standby power accounts for at least $11 billion in annual energy costs in the United States, according to the EPA's Energy Star program. An effective way to combat this waste is to use power strips. These can be purchased for as little as $8 to $10, and offer an on/off function that controls multiple devices at once. This way, you can ensure that your electronic devices only consume energy when you are using them.

Want to know more about it? Read our latest blog: Transform Your Rental: Tips for Tenant-Friendly Decor.

2. Save on Water Usage

Water is an essential resource that is often underestimated, especially in the context of climate change. In our homes, its everyday use is crucial for activities such as cooking, cleaning, and bathing. However, we must be mindful not to waste this limited resource. Water wastage not only impacts our monthly bills but also the environment, with consequences such as pollution and the loss of ecosystems. It is crucial to adopt small actions that can make a big difference in water conservation and protecting our home and surroundings, such as:

  • Water Filter: A water filter is an eco-friendly option that provides clean water for drinking and household use, thus reducing waste generation. The cost of installing a water filter can vary considerably. Under-sink filtration systems can range from $150 to $1200, while whole-house systems have an average cost of around $2171, including the unit and professional installation, according to HomeAdvisor. On the other hand, faucet-mounted filters offer a more economical alternative, with prices starting from $20.
  • Wash Full Loads of Dishes and Laundry: Another simple way to conserve water is to use the dishwasher or washing machine only when they are full. Instead of washing just a few items at a time, wait until you have enough laundry to fill the load and maximize water and energy usage. Many clothing items can be worn more than once, as long as they are not dirty. Similarly, water glasses and tea cups can be reused throughout the day, reducing the need for constant washing. Although this may require a little more planning, both the environment and your wallet will thank you.

3. Simple Tips for Easy and Rewarding Recycling

Dr. Wendy Wood, a scientific expert and behavior researcher, has developed practical tips to make recycling an automatic part of our daily routine and feel good about it. Here are eight simple tips to make recycling easier and more rewarding throughout the year:

  • Avoid disposing of recyclable materials: When thrown in the trash, they become environmental waste that cannot be reused. 
  • Have a recycling bin at home, increasing the likelihood of recycling.
  • Place more than one bin in your home to make it more convenient and prevent overflow.
  • Post a visible list of recyclable materials to facilitate the process.
  • Opt for curbside pickup if available in your area, as it makes recycling easier and more convenient. If that is not available, find the closest recycling center to take it yourself.
  • Recycle empty cardboard boxes and flatten them for easier processing. 
  • Opting for paper products also facilitates recycling, as paper can be recycled up to seven times if properly disposed of.
  • Start slowly and adopt recycling habits with ease, and soon you'll be a regular recycler!


In conclusion, making eco-friendly choices for your residence not only benefits the environment but also offers significant financial advantages. By adopting simple yet effective strategies like energy-efficient practices, water conservation, and recycling, you can lower your utility bills, reduce your ecological footprint, and contribute to a healthier planet for future generations.  If you're looking for a new place to call home, Vision Realty & Management is here to assist you. To view all of our vacant homes, click here; if you need any assistance, reach out to us at Our team is dedicated to making your transition as smooth as possible, ensuring that your journey begins with the excitement and positivity that a new home brings.

